I’ve complied a list of best gifts for your natural-minded wife or mom that she *actually* wants. I’ve tried to include a wide range of items. There’s something for EVERYONE on this list and for every budget.
1. Peace and Quiet
Yeah, I started there. You can’t act a little bit surprised. Your wife or mom wants a break. Give her a much needed night off from making dinner, folding laundry, and other household tasks. Send her off for some guilt-free time. Suggest she go to a coffee shop, a friend’s house, take a relaxing bath, or get a massage.

2. Luxury Bath Supplies
Put together all that your wife might need for a relaxing bath. Get a cute basket, add in a few necessities!!
- Epsom salts – Your wife might prefer a plain bag of epsom salts for just a few bucks over a fancy colored bath bomb. Only buy pre-made bath bombs if you trust the brand to use pure essential oils and to avoid toxic coloring agents. I have a recipe for homemade lavender bath salts.
- Essential oils – Passion, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Siberian Fir, Whisper, Rose, Jasmine, Neroli are all fantastic essential oils for the bath. Just make sure to use a reliable essential oil brand (the natural food store probably doesn’t carry good oils). I only use doTERRA essential oils because of their CPTG standard.
- A new book – Go to Amazon and order her the book that she keeps talking to you about wanting to read “some day.”
- Body wash – Get her a new “fancy” natural body wash or soap bar. Make sure that you use a trustworthy brand!!! Your natural mama/wife will appreciate your extra thought! I like to use a body wash made with Grapefruit, Cedarwood, and Bergamot essential oils. You can get yours HERE. Or I use a natural soap bar made with jojoba, aloe, clay, and a blend of essential oils (lavender, ylang ylang, cedarwood, etc). You can get that soap bar HERE.
- A head wrap – I just got one these for Christmas and just a month later I’m convinced that every woman NEEDS one of these. It’s so nice for keeping your hair dry during a shower or bath! It’s a luxury I didn’t even know I was missing!
- Body Brush for Dry Brushing – Hopefully your loved one already has one of these! They are amazing for gently exfoliating, reducing cellulite, and waking you up in the morning.
- A bottle of wine – It’s a great way to make a luxurious, relaxing bath.

3. Kitchen Garden Starter Kit
Has your loved one talked about starting her own indoor garden but hasn’t gotten around to getting it started yet? Get the stuff she needs to get started!! Find out if she wants to start with seeds or with grown plants.
Consider getting her succulents instead of cut flowers!! The succulents won’t die and they’ll keep on looking beautiful for her. Plus they help clean the air in your home. Your goal should be to have one indoor plant per 100 sq feet in your house!
Pick out a few or all of the following:
- Organic seeds or grown plants
- Cute planters, pots, and or hanging planters
- Plant mister
- Peppermint and Cedarwood Essential Oils – She can add a few drops to her mister to help keep the bugs away naturally.
- Cute plant stakes
4. Kombucha Starter Kit
I don’t recommend this for everyone, it can be a commitment to make your own kombucha. But you may know that it’s been on a wish list for your spouse or mom. Get all the starter supplies she needs! You can get a whole kit on amazon. Or you can get all the supplies separately. I have a couple blog posts with instructions on how to rock making your own kombucha – I recommend making your own SCOBY and not buying one from amazon (it’s cheaper and faster to make your own).

5. High Quality Appliance
Yup, I enjoy getting nice quality appliances for gifts. I don’t think it’s sexist at all to get a new vacuum or a new blender. I’m so excited! Higher quality appliances work better, save me stress, and can save time.
Here are a few of my favorites:
- Vitamix Blender – This sucker is the BEST. It works so well for everything. We use to have a Ninja and upgraded to this things. There’s nothing that compares to the quality we’ve experienced with moving up to the Vitamix.
- KitchenAid Mixer – I use this mixer at least every other day. It helps me make meals and treats plus the attachments are killer (hello zucchini noodle slicer and ice cream maker!).
- Cordless Dyson Vacuum – We used to have a Roomba (robot vacuum) and the cordless dyson is SO much better. I liked the Roomba, I did…but the cordless dyson works SO well. The battery power is LIFE and it picks up dog hair a lot better.
- You know what needs updating in your own home a lot better than what I can guess! Update it for her!
6. Diffuser and Essential Oils
Get your wife a high quality essential oil diffuser! Now diffusers are very different from humidifier, you cannot go get a humidifier. The heat will ruin the therapeutic benefits of the oil. When it comes to essential oil diffusers, you kind of get what you pay for. The cheap diffusers don’t work well and they break fast. I have a few favorites.
- Petal Diffuser – This is a very affordable diffuser with a similar price to what you’d pay at Target or Bed Bath and Beyond – except this is a really nice diffuser, will last longer, and it comes with a one year warranty! This diffuser runs for four hours and is perfect for small and medium sized rooms.
- AromaLite Diffuser – This is my all-time favorite diffuser. It is POWERFUL. I use it in the largest rooms in my home (kitchen/living room/dining room space). It runs for 8 hours. It’s affordable and I’ve been using it for over 4 years and it’s still running strong!!
- Emotions Essential Oil Kit – This kit has the perfect variety of high quality oil blends for every occasion. It includes Cheer, Passion, Forgive, Console, and Peace. (This kit comes WITH a diffuser!)
- Essential Oil Spa Kit – This kit has three oils that are perfect for the diffuser or the bath (Serenity, Citrus Bliss, and Balance) plus it has an oil blend called Deep Blue which is great for tired muscles and joints.

7. Yoga Gear
This is such a fun category for which to buy!! You can get fun patterns, cool designs and cuts, and show off personality.
- Yoga outfit or a gift card to somewhere with fun outfits
- A new yoga DVD
- Glass or Stainless Steel water bottle and some citrus essential oils
- A new yoga mat
- Yoga block
- Yoga Wheel
- All Natural Sanitizing Spray for her hands, feet, and mat
- Essential Oils for Yoga – I diffuse one of these every morning while I do my yoga.