Spring Diffuser Blends
It’s that time of year! It’s time for some spring cleaning, you want to open your windows, and you want to switch from warm scents to fresh and clean scents in your home. Here’s my list of tried and true Spring Diffuser Blends to use with your doTERRA CPTG Essential Oils.
Diffusers are a better way to make your home smell fresh. Ditch the toxic candles and plugins and air fresheners and replace it with an essential oil diffuser. The Petal Diffuser is a great first diffuser for any home. You’ll fill up your water diffuser with water, add a few drops of essential oil (recipes below), and turn on! It’s easy and affordable and so much healthier for your family. Your home will smell nice and you’ll get the therapeutic benefits of the essential oils you use.
Spring Diffuser Blends
Springtime Forest
-3 drops Grapefruit
-3 dops Douglas Fir
-3 drops Bergamot
Spring Cleaning
-3 drops Lemon
-3 drops Wild Orange
-2 drops Peppermint
(Need a Kitchen or Laundry Room Cleaner Makeover?)
Easter Morning
-2 drops Frankincense
-3 drops Lemon
-3 drops Ylang Ylang
Spring Joy
-4 drops Cheer
-4 Drops Lemon
-3 drops Geranium
-3 drops Lavender
-3 drops Ylang Ylang
-1 drop Patchouli
Seasons Change
-3 drops Lemon
-3 dops Lavender
-3 drops Peppermint
(These three comes in an Intro Kit for just $20 wholesale!!)
April Showers
-3 drops Vetiver
-3 drops Lemon
May Flowers
-3 drops Lavender
-3 drops Bergamot
-3 drops Ylang Ylang
Spring Slumber
-3 drops Lavender
-2 drops R. Chamomile
-2 drops Patchouli
Breathe Easy
-3 drops Breathe
-3 drops Lime
-3 drops Lemon
Do you need Essential Oils or a Diffuser? Check out my SHOP page – I can get you the highest quality essential oils at a 25% off wholesale price.