My doTERRA Journey to Platinum: He’s Making Diamonds Out of Us
I Lost My Purpose
I’m a stay-at-home mom that lost her passion and purpose in her life.
You guys, when I married my husband and gave up my contract with the Army, I had zero idea how much that would rock my world. I had a plan for my future that involved me having a purpose, serving people, and digging deep everyday. I thought that being a stay-home-mom sounded great. I saw that it still had purpose and it was the best way for me to marry the man that I love (he’s Air Force and I was contracted Army).
It was absolutely the right choice, but it still rocked my world.
I thought that motherhood and wife-hood would give me a purpose. While yes, I find my fulfillment in God, I felt like this wasn’t all I was called to do. I always felt like God called me to serve and to be something more.
But what was this BIG thing God was calling me to do?
I can’t count how many times I’ve cried out to God asking what He wanted me to be and do. I knew that I was called to service but didn’t know how that would be fulfilled. I thought that it was through the military – clearly serving your country is a service to our nation and the world. And yes, I still serve in a different way as a military spouse but it still didn’t feel quite right. I had well-meaning friends tell me this was a spiritual problem and that women should feel fulfilled as a mother and wife. Anything outside the realm of wife and mom must not be from God. But I couldn’t disagree more. I knew God had another tug on my soul.
I knew God had more planned for me. But, like usual, God doesn’t write out His plan for you on a calendar. He just had me wait.
Something Fell into my Lap
At the time I didn’t realize, but one night changed my life. I had a small baby and I desperately needed out of the house. I left my daughter with my husband and went to a STRANGER’S house on our Air Force base for an essential oil class. You guys, that’s how desperate I was. I actually showed up to a party at a stranger’s house!
I left the class very intrigued with the idea of natural medicine. I went home and my husband and I decided to get the smallest starter kit – the Family Physician’s Kit.
Two weeks later, my daughter’s bad tummy issues were completely gone thanks to the oils. That’s when I brought up the idea of starting my own home oil business to my husband. I don’t think he thought it would go anywhere, but he knew that I needed a purpose outside the home. I needed something else. So he agreed to my business proposal (a $100 monthly commitment).
You might be able to see where this is going. I didn’t at all at the time. I thought that I’d love to one day be an Elite (doTERRA Rank) and get our oils paid for. In my wildest dreams, I thought I’d probably make Silver eventually (lowest doTERRA leadership rank). But I didn’t make the connection yet that this might be tied to God’s larger purpose for my life. This was just my side-business.
That’s all MLMs are, right? They are *just* side-businesses and never actually lead anywhere…
Boy, was I wrong. This had everything to do with God’s purpose for my life.
(doTERRA Compensation Plan and Ranks Explained)
Things Escalated
In just four months, I hit my Elite goal. And in five months, I was Premier.
Okay this is real.
This business really helps people. This business really fits with our ever-changing military life. This business really results in real income. Let’s pick up the pace and treat this like the real thing.
And then God started to lay something really difficult on my heart. He started to tell me to give up a large part of my income. THIS was the service He was calling me to. But I pushed the thoughts aside.
One year into my oil business, I hit Silver. For those that aren’t in doTERRA, this means I was making as much as a first year teacher, but as a stay-at-home mom.
God’s Calling
God kept pulling on my heart.
I mentioned this odd and crazy-sounding calling I felt I had to my husband. I don’t think he much liked it (neither did I at the time). We both enjoyed my paychecks. But knowing we shouldn’t ignore something like this, we decided to have a week of prayer specifically over this subject. We prayed individually and would come back together at the end of the week and share what we thought God wanted us to do with my income.
We came back together with the EXACT same numbers and calling.
This income is NOT mine. It belongs to God and I will give it all back to Him if He so-asks. I feel like He dropped this doTERRA opportunity into my lap and it was my job to work hard and to be obedient in the calling He had on my life.
So we Obeyed.
Fast Forward
We have been tempted over and over to be disobedient to God. But it never leads to fulfillment and happiness. It’s tempting to say that we’ll be obedient after my student loans are paid off, or when we hit Diamond, or when we make ‘X’ amount of money a month. But we’d just be lying to ourselves. If we can’t give up small amounts in faith, what makes us think that we’d be able to give up large amounts later? That’s a foolish way to think.
We had to be obedient in all circumstances.
I am now a Platinum in doTERRA. Last year my HOME-BASED business did over a half a million dollars in sales. I now make as much as my husband – a Captain in the United States Air Force – and I’ll probably completely pass him up this year.
But this business and my income are NOT mine. They belong to God. And guess what?
God takes pretty great care of His possessions.
I trust that He knows better than me. Because of this business, we can not only give our own children a better life, but we can support multiple missionary families around the world, we can support our local pregnancy crisis center, and offer financial assistance to friends adopting, and other places where God has called us to give.
Beyond our calling to give, our business does a lot for the families on my doTERRA team. Some have been able to leave their job to pursue the doTERRA business, many make enough to get their essential oils paid for and have extra money to play with, and all have a healthier lifestyle. They can all reach for a bottle of oil or a vitamin before turning to modern medicine.
Free to Give – He’s Making Diamonds Out of Us
At doTERRA we have a phrase, “Free to Give.” It’s a goal that people would grow their home businesses not only to promote healthier lifestyles, and to give families another stream of income, but to get families to a point where they are FREE TO GIVE.
I love that so much. This is the doTERRA culture. To Give. To Love.
My doTERRA Journey to Platinum is a journey of faith and obedience. One day, when I walk Diamond at Gala I will celebrate to the song “He’s Making Diamonds Out of Us” by Hawk Nelson. Yes, this journey will be my literal path to the doTERRA Rank of Diamond but it’s also my spiritual journey. God (He) is making Diamonds out of us along the way.
Your Purpose
I want to charge you all to seek out God’s purpose for your lives.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Ask God, wait patiently, be open to the opportunities out there.
Imagine the plans God has for you in your job, your marriage, your motherhood, or home-business. What if you did that job and pursued it and worked as if for the Lord? Imagine the wonderful things He could do IN you and what He could do for others THROUGH you.
You just have to choose to Obey.
Learn more about me on my Meet Kaitlyn Page.
Join my Essential Oil Team here.

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Thank you for sharing. To GOD be the glory!
Beautiful! My path with doTERRA is to heal myself and my family when healing is needed, and to grow my business. I love the idea behind FREE TO GIVE. That is my prayer with this wonderful company, doTERRA.
Amen!! Thank you so much for sharing your story. We are currently doTERRA Silvers and are surrendered to God to use us in powerful ways through this business (SO COOL that we get to do this!), and most importantly, to experience more of His love and grow in trust in His perfect timing & provision through this crazy journey!
What a great testimony ! I am also a doTERRA military spouse who has strong faith in the One above ! May I ask what you did to reach out to the people in your community ?
Hey Maegan! Sorry for taking so long to respond. We just made a cross country PCS and I haven’t worked on blog because of that. Thank you for your patience.
It’s definitely a unique set of struggles we military wives face as doTERRA Wellness Advocates. It’s a struggle I know very well – especially having just moved 1600 miles! I make having genuine friendships my first priority. I make friends with our neighbors, other moms at gymnastics or homeschool group, or other wives in my husband’s squadron. I go and make friends just to make friends. I trust that eventually the oils will come up -hello, I use them ALL the time. Or someone is bound to complain to you about their ailments. It’s then that I can genuinely reach out and help out my friends by suggesting they try the essential oils.
Love this story! I wish I had a doTERRA upline mentor that would grow my line with me. (After a year, still haven’t found my “3.”) You are inspiring!
Thank you!!
I’m sorry you don’t have someone you work close with. Have you considered reaching way up into your upline?
And yes, it not always easy finding those builders. Just keep doing the work and believing in yourself and your builders will come alongside you.