doTERRA Compensation Plan
Need help understanding the doTERRA Compensation Plan? Let me help you out!
DoTERRA has been a huge financial gift to our family. I’m able to stay home with my kids and homeschool them, I can work from my couch, move whenever the Air Force tells us to move, and have all the freedom I want! Plus I get to help support my family and hopefully one day bring my husband home whenever the Air Force lets him go!

5 Ways to Earn with doTERRA
You can only earn money through doTERRA if you are a qualifying Wellness Advocate – meaning you placed a 100 PV LRP in the month you would like to get paid. I always keep my LRP updated to 100PV.
1. Retail
Anytime someone places an order through your retail store (your mydoterra URL) you get 25%! They mark up all the prices 25%. Retail profits are paid out monthly. See figure 1.
But here’s the part you probably don’t expect…please don’t run your business by having people order off your site. This is a lose lose situation for YOU and your customer! Your customer pays 25% more than they should AND they miss out on getting points back to use on future orders through the loyalty rewards program. This is NOT helping your customers out! Help out your customers and get them set up with a wholesale account so that they get the BEST deal.
This is better for YOU too! Selling through retail is not creating an asset. It’s hauling buckets and is not a good business strategy.
So while retail is technically an option for making money with doTERRA, it’s definitely not recommended..
2. Fast Start Bonus
When you enroll someone with a wholesale customer or wellness advocate membership, you get a Fast Start Bonus for their first 60 days enrolled. If you enrolled someone, YOU get 20% of all of their orders in the first 60 days.
Your enroller gets 10% and their enroller gets 5%. See figure two.
Fast Starts pay out weekly.
Now technically, Fast Starts are still a form of hauling buckets. Buuuut they are just to hold you off until you have created your asset in the form of a decent Unilevel check. These Fast Start Bonuses help you get off the ground when you first get your business started! My fast starts more than paid for my enrollment kit in my very first month enrolled with doTERRA
3. Power of Three
In order to qualify for the $50 bonus, you must have three qualified (100 PV LRP order) personally sponsored consultants and a minimum Team Volume of 600 points. Team volume includes your personal LRP order and any volume from personally sponsored Wellness Advocates, PMs, and customers.
The $250 Power of Three Bonus. In order to qualify for the $250 bonus, a Wellness Advocate must first qualify for the $50 Bonus. The three personally sponsored Wellness Advocates or Wholesale Customers who assisted him to qualify for the $50 Bonus must also qualify for the $50 Bonus.
The $1,500 Power of Three Bonus. In order to qualify for the $1,500 bonus, a Wellness Advocate must first qualify for the $250 Bonus. The three personally sponsored Wellness Advocates or Wholesale Customers who assisted him to qualify for the $250 Bonus must also qualify for the $250 Bonus.
The Power of Three bonus is paid out monthly. To strategize for this bonus, simply earn your own $50 bonus and teach your builders to earn their own $50 bonus.
This bonus is amazing! DoTERRA is a brilliant company. They’ve build into our compensation plan instructions on how to structure our teams! We should always try our best to structure our teams with Power of Three in mind! You can learn more about Placements on my post about Placements or watch my Placements Class.
The Power of Three Bonus is also a simple way to show users and sharers how they can earn enough to get their oils paid for. It’s easy and accessible to think that helping three people to live healthier = $50 a month. That’s half their oils paid for!! If they help 12 people to live healthier that = $250 a month! That’s all of their oils paid for plus extra! 12 People isn’t that many. This just shows how easy it can be for people to share the oils without fully “doing the business.”

4. Unilevel
I promise that unilevel pay is very simple – even though this chart can seem intimidating. THIS is where you build your true residual income. I get my unilevel check every month – evens months that I have to take off for military moves or having a baby.
The highest percentage is earned on lower levels.
Unlike many other companies, doTERRA’s compensation plan lets you earn the highest percentage on the lower levels. As you grow or mentor your team leaders and structure efficiently for rank, you will see your team grow wider on your deeper levels. This means the lowest percentages are earned on the smaller groups of people and the highest levels earned on the largest groups. Look at the difference in payout with the comparison to the left (see graphic below comparing unilevel structures).
There is no breakage in payout.
doTERRA’s Unilevel is set up to make sure there is no breakage in payout. If someone below you doesn’t qualify to earn the Unilevel on another member’s order it will roll up to you. This happens throughout every level of your organization!
Paid out Monthly.

5. Leadership Pool Bonus

- Empowerment Bonus A Wellness Advocate that qualifies as a Premier or Silver and that enrolls one new Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer with 100 PV or more in a month, will receive one share in the Empowerment Pool. Ā Shares do not cumulate from one Rank to the next. Ā A shareās monthly bonus is equal to the designated poolās percentage (1%) multiplied by the Company Volume for the same month, and divided by the number of shares of Wellness Advocates who have qualified for a share in the month.
- Silver, Gold, Platinum Bonus Each Silver receives one share in the Leadership Performance Pool. Ā Each Gold receives five shares in the Leadership Performance Pool. Ā Finally, each Platinum receives ten shares in the pool. Ā A Wellness Advocate can earn an additional share for the month if the Wellness Advocate is the Enroller of a first-time Elite. Ā Shares do not cumulate from one Rank to the next. Ā For example, a Wellness Advocate who moves from Silver to Gold is entitled to five shares, and not one share from the Silver pool and five from the Gold pool. A shareās monthly bonus is equal to the designated poolās percentage (2%) multiplied by the Company Volume for the same month, and divided by the number of shares of Wellness Advocates who have qualified for a share in the month. Read about my Journey to Platinum.
- Diamond + Bonus Ā Each Diamond receives one share in the Diamond Performance Pool. Ā Each Blue Diamond receives two shares in the pool, and each Presidential Diamond receives three shares in the pool. Ā A Wellness Advocate can earn additional shares, for the month, if the Wellness Advocate is the Enroller of a first-time Premier. Ā Again, shares do not cumulate from one Rank to the next. Ā A shareās monthly bonus is equal to the designated poolās percentage (1%), multiplied by the Company Volume for the same month, and divided by the number of shares of Wellness Advocates who have qualified for a share or shares in the month.
Paid out Monthly
Okay so the leadership bonuses ROCK. They significantly boost your pay for hitting leadership ranks in the company. It’s a nice boost in addition to your other commissions. The Empowerment bonus is the newest of the bonuses – you can read a whole post about it HERE. On average, each share from the silver, gold, and platinum pool are worth about $150 each. The worth of shares shift every month depending on global sales and how many people make rank that month – so don’t take my word on their worth š Ask your upline to look at their pay and see what the leadership pools have looked like in the past few months for the most accurate guess.
doTERRA Average Annual Earnings 2017

doTERRA Average Income/Earnings 2016
I got this information at the Leadership Retreat in Orlando! Note: the numbers will be HIGHER now that we have the Empowerment Bonus!

doTERRA Comp Plan Presentation
Feel free to use my Prezi (similar to PowerPoint but better!) to teach the Compensation Plan to your doTERRA Team. It’s been updated to include the brand new Empowerment Bonus!
Would you like to sign up and join my Essential Oil team? Message me and I’ll love to help get you started on your doTERRA Journey.

Your numbers are wrong… all of your percentages are actually 1% of what you have them written as. If you do your research you will see that silver is 0.62% of members etc. You should take a look at that
Hey Nathan!
Thanks for the comment!
I actually don’t say that those numbers are the percentage of MEMBERS. I said that those number represent the number of LEADERS. You see, most people sign up with doTERRA as a customer and never have the intention of building a business. Silver is the first and lowest leadership rank in doTERRA.
So my numbers are correct. You are welcome to look at the most recent doTERRA Earnings and Disclosure statement here: https://media.doterra.com/us/en/flyers/opportunity-and-earning-disclosure-summary.pdf