Let’s spice up our life! Say hello to doTERRA Clove Essential Oil!
doTERRA Clove Essential Oil
Clove is most commonly known for it’s usefulness in the kitchen. It’s a beautiful oil that we love to add to our baking (like to our pumpkin bread recipe). But it also has many therapeutic benefits too!
Clove essential oil is harvested from the unopened flower buds of the evergreen tree.
Purity and Sustainability
As always, be sure to purchase responsibly. Not all essential oils are created equally. There isn’t great regulation on the market. Just because a label says 100% pure doesn’t mean you are getting the safest, purest, or a responsibly sourced product. WE as consumers have to do our research and purchase the best essential oils for our family and WE have to change the market by buying from companies that source sustainable products and pay fair wages.
I did my research and I fell on doTERRA and their Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade standard (CPTG). I believe that doTERRA has the highest purity standards on the market for their essential oils. They also responsibly source sustainable oils and pay fair wages to everyone involved. They even bring in schools, micro-loans, medic clinics, wells, etc through the Healing Hands Foundation to build up the communities around where their oils are sourced.
doTERRA is the only brand of oils that I recommend.
Would you like to try some of these Oils? Check out my SHOP page – I can get you the highest quality EOs for you at a 25% off retail price.
Essential oils are incredibly safe forms of natural medicine. But they are also extremely powerful and they need to be respected. Oils are listed as neat, sensitive, or hot. All oils should be diluted but knowing if your oil is neat, sensitive, or hot tells us how much an oil should be diluted.
Clove is a HOT oil.
ALWAYS, always diluted clove essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil. Clove has a warming sensation that can be overwhelming.
Clove can be used internally, aromatically, and topically.
Clove is safe to be used it many ways. You can diffuse it or smell it straight from the bottle (aromatically). You can apply it topically on your body with a carrier oil (remember it’s hot). Or you can take internally by adding it to your food or using a veggie cap. I even find it comfortable to swish in my mouth with an ounce of water – I find that the ounce of water reduces the warming effect more than an enough for me.
Physical Uses & Benefits

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- Soothe gums. Check out this side-by-side comparison of clove and a topical numbing cream. This is why sometimes your oral surgeon gives you clove after surgery!
- Swish clove and water for gum discomfort.
- Add 1-2 drops of Clove Essential Oil to a 10 mL roller bottle topped with fractionated coconut oil. Apply a little of the mix to your finger and then dab on a toddler’s gums for a soothing effect.
- Oral health – get some sparkly whites! This study blows my mind – Clove is so good for your teeth.
- Use clove as a natural mouthwash. Swish one drop in with an ounce of water.
- Brush your teeth and add a drop of clove to your toothpaste.
- Oil pull with raw coconut oil and a drop of clove.
- Use doTERRA’s OnGuard Toothpaste. It’s infused with clove essential oil.
- Immune Support (1) and (2)
- Apply a drop with some carrier oil (like coconut oil) to the bottoms of your feet or along your spine.
- Diffuse Clove to help purify the air and support your immune system.
- Add of drop of clove to a small glass jar and mix in a couple tablespoons of fractionated coconut oil. Take a qtip, dip into the mix, and swipe the insides of your baby’s mouth when dealing with specific immune issues. Reapply with new qtip at each diaper change until problem goes away. (2)
- If you aren’t feeling well, I’d also consider taking more Vitamin D.
- Baking and Cooking
- Use Clove in your baking! I love adding a few drops of clove or cinnamon essential oil to my pumpkin and banana bread recipes!
- Make your own Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer!
Powerful antioxidant properties
Supports cardiovascular health
- Take a drop or two internally each day in a veggie cap.
Emotional Uses
- Diffuse Clove essential oil when you want to feel empowered and courageous.
- Stop relying on others and become independent! Apply Clove essential oil with a carrier oil when you need to be independent and get things done.
Blends Well With:
Melaleuca, Ginger, Wild Orange
Would you like to try some of these Oils? Check out my SHOP page – I can get you the highest quality EOs for you at a 25% off retail price.