DoTERRA takes on Canada!
Are you interested in CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) Essential Oils but you don’t live in the United States? No biggie. DoTERRA is an International Company!
Let me point you in the right direction for Canadian doTERRA resources!
Would you like to try some of these Essential Oils? Check out my post on how to enroll with a doTERRA Canadian Membership!
doTERRA Canada
English Resources
- Canadian Price List and Price Per Drop
- Enrollment Kit Flyer
- Your Canadian Enrollment Kits!!
- Approved Claims List
- This list is AMAZING guys! It lists each oil and a few things you can do with that oil! What a great thing to print off and give your friends that are new to the oils!
- All Product Information Pages
- You know, it’s just ALL the Product Info pages! It’s everything you need to know about each product – the prices, ingredients, benefits, and more.
- Class-in-a-Box Brochure
- I love the Class in a Box! If you haven’t gotten one yet, you are missing out! Add one to your next order! It will revolutionize your classes.
- doTERRA Canada Policy Manual
- Not exactly the most thrilling document to read – but it’s a MUST to save if you want to do this business.
- doTERRA Canada Product Guide
- The Product Guide is such an eductional tool! DoTERRA is an education company and they prove it with their Product Guide. This guide not only lists all the products, but it gives examples for how each item can used and their prices. Plus it has tips on how to get started with Essential Oils. I love using Product Guides when I teach classes.
- Live Brochure
- This brochure has all the basic knowledge you need to start your journey with Essential Oils.
- Share Brochure
- This brochure shows you just how easy it is to share doTERRA with your friends and family
- Build Brochure
- This brochure has all the basics for starting your doTERRA business. DoTERRA has completely changed my health (physically and mentally), my family, and my finances – let it change yours, too.
- Education for Canada Back Office
- Cause, well, you need to know how to use your Back Office!
- Application and Agreement
- Direct Deposit Form
- Retail Order Form
- Wholesale Customer Form
- Wholesale Product Order Form
French Resources
- Class-in-a-Box Brochure
- doTERRA Product Guide, Canada, French
- Approved Claims List, Canada, French
- Application and Agreement
- Direct Deposit Form
- Wholesale Order Form
Would you like to try some of these Essential Oils? Check out my post about how to enroll with a doTERRA Canadian Membership for 25% off retail prices.