Deployments, TDYs, Missions, Trainings – It all sucks. Our spouse is gone and we are home alone to do everything. We do the bills, chores, parenting, doctor appointments, school drop-offs, gymnastic practices, church mornings, car repairs, home repairs (the list could go on and on) all alone for weeks or months on end. There are lots of lists of ways we can get through these separations from our spouse that are probably more responsible than this list. HA! But come on, some days it’s THIS stuff that we really want and need.
5 Things to Help You Survive Deployment
- Coffee – Because you did bedtime, all the night feedings, and breakfast for the kids without any help.
2. Netflix/Hulu – because the house is creepy quiet after you put the kids to bed. It’s Trash TV time – has the new season of the Bachelorette started yet?
3. Chocolate – Because it pairs well with both Coffee AND Wine! Speaking of wine…
4. Wine – Because you deserve it after changing that tire, cleaning the crap out of the carseat, fixing a running toilet, and doing everything else today. Bottoms up!
5. Leggings, Sweatshirt, Messy Bun – Because, its the uniform of the solo military spouse – how else will we recognize each other? (besides our tired eyes and the Starbucks in our hand) We have no one to dress up for except for ourselves – and at least for me, why even bother when I have a perfectly acceptable pair of LLR leggings and sweatshirt I can wear??
What things help you get through separation?
In all seriousness, I actually have some helpful blog posts too! I just hope that this one makes you crack a smile and happily open a bottle of wine!
Check out my other posts for the serious stuff like a Free Printable Pre Deployment Checklist or my post about Why I Love Being a Military Spouse.
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