The doTERRA DigestZen blend is a must-have oil. It’s the oil that changed our whole perspective and made us jump head first into the world of CPTG essential oils.
My Baby with Tummy Troubles
My daughter, when she was just an infant, cried all the time. Her poor tummy just hurt all the time. We were exhausted and overwhelmed and we tried everything. I solely breastfed her so I decided to go on an allergen-free diet.
For a month I cut my diet of the 7 major allergens: Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Soy, Fish / Shellfish. It was a serious diet overhaul but worth it for my baby girl if it meant that she felt better. It helped some. After a month, we reintroduced some foods and discovered that it was the milk and soy that bothered her. So I stayed 100% dairy free – we were really strict about it. But she wasn’t completely better – she was better but still definitely had issues.
We then took her to one of her appointments and switched doctors. Our previous doctor didn’t care at all about our daughter’s tummy. Our new doctor cared. The first thing she asked was about my diet – she wanted me to cut dairy and soy. I liked this new doctor. She wanted to try a natural solution first and address the root problem. I told her that my kiddo was better now that I cut the allergens but that she still seemed to have tummy troubles. The doc gave us something to help. It helped…but not 100% and it came with chemicals I didn’t want my newborn exposed to.
When Essential Oils were Introduced
I was invited to strangers house to learn about these things called essential oils. Not knowing what I was in for, I went to the class – I liked the idea of a girls’ night out of the house. I got a Family Physician’s Kit at the class and a week later, the kit arrived at my door. I was told in an EO group that DigestZen could help my baby. So I mixed up a roller bottle of doTERRA’s DigestZen and Wild Orange with from coconut oil. We applied to her tummy and the bottoms of her feet at every diaper change. Within a couple of days, she was a new baby – so happy!!! We were thrilled. We no longer needed what the doctor suggested and completely turned to a natural option with DigestZen.
Babies don’t fake results. Babies cry if they don’t feel well – DigestZen made her feel better.
Would you like to try some of these Essential Oils? Check out my SHOP page – I can get you the highest quality essential oils for you at 25% off retail price.
doTERRA DigestZen
DigestZen contains Ginger Rhizome/Root, Peppermint Plant, Caraway Seed, Coriander Seed, Anise Seed, Tarragon Plant, and Fennel Seed essential oils.
Key Benefits
- Soothes occasional stomach upset*
- Aids in the digestion of foods*
- Helps reduce bloating, gas, and occasional indigestion*
- Have DigestZen on hand when enjoying heavy holiday meals to promote digestion.*
- Add a few drops to water to take internally or rub on the stomach before flying or taking a road trip for a calming aroma.
- Add to water or tea to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract.*
- Take DigestZen with you when traveling or trying new foods to soothe occasional stomach upset.*
Where to get DigestZen
You can purchase DigestZen right here through this blog!
DigestZen is one of the Top Ten oils from doTERRA – get all TEN in a starter kit!
doTERRA DigestZen Uses and Benefits Video
Would you like to try some of these Essential Oils? Check out my SHOP page – I can get you the highest quality essential oils for you at 25% off retail price.
Need more Information about DigestZen? See the Product Information Page.