Daddy is close to deploying or leaving on, what seems like, his thousandth TDY, and the kids are struggling. Our sweet little dandelions, our military kids, are so resilient and strong. But that doesn’t mean that they always understand or don’t struggle. I’ve asked fellow military mamas what their favorite military kid books were and they helped me compile this list!
Best Books for Military Kids
“My First Counting Book: Marines”
Sarah from Servant Mama recommends this book! And I recommend it too! And it’s NOT just for Marine Families – they have ones for other services! We have the Air Force version and love it. In the Air Force version we count lots of fun things like Airplanes flying in formation, pilot’s hemlets, and ribbons!
This is the perfect gift to bring to a new mom and dad at the hospital or when you bring them a dinner!
“Don’t Forget, God Bless Our Troops”
Lizann from The Seasoned Spouse says that they love to read this book at bedtime during deployments. This book was actually written by former 2nd Lady Jilly Biden! Jill tells the story through the eyes of a little girl, what it’s like to have a parent serving overseas at war.
“Night Catch”
This is a sweet bedtime story for your military babies. Each night this deployed dad would play catch with the North Star!
“A Paper Hug”
Send Mommy or Daddy a Paper hug! We did this on my husband’s last deployment. We all sent him paper hugs in one of his care packages.
“My Daddy is in the Air Force”
This one might be my favorite military books for kids. This one is very specific to the Air Force Pilot (or other fliers) life. It talks about the types of missions that daddy flies (child appropriate, of course), how long he’ll be gone, phone calls and more. It’s a must-have for any Air Force kid home. It was actually written by a C-130 pilot! This is our go-to book to gift at toddler birthday parties.
“Goodnight Marines”
Here’s a great book for your little Marine according to Lizann from The Seasoned Spouse. They’ll love the pictures of airplanes and helicopters!
“Lily Hates Goodbyes”
My Army wife friend, Emilie, recommends this book. Lily Hates Goodbyes takes on the hard job of teaching kids how to cope with their mixed feelings about deployment.
My Very Exciting, Sorta Scary, Big Move
This book is not written specifically for military children but it’s very appropriate for the military child life – I thought that it should still make the best books for military kids list. Our kids move an average of 6-9 times during their school-age years. That’s absolutely insane. This workbook helps your child walk through emotions and stages of another big move.
What are you favorite military child books? What would you add to the list?

My daddy is a hero!