How many of you post something in your VIP group and all you hear are crickets? I know a lot of you are raising your hands. Or maybe you aren’t sure if your engagement numbers are good or bad…your posts *should* have about 5% engagement. An active group/page will have about that many likes on a good post. If you can’t consistently hit 5% then you should re-think your social media strategy. And I see this in my own group. When I follow these rules I always hit 5% – when I don’t follow the rules, I fall out of people’s timelines. Let’s talk about the top ways to improve facebook engagement in your facebook group or on your facebook page.
This post is written specifically for those in the network marketing business. Stop spamming your friends and stop acting like a walking billboard for your company. Get people liking, commenting, and engaging with each other in your facebook groups.
Top Ways to Improve Facebook Engagement in your VIP Group
1. Post 1-2 times a day
Post more than once or twice and your engagement will go down statistically. Also try to go Live about once a week. Warn your group so they know when to tune in!
2. Valuable Content
Ask yourself before posting “is this a valuable piece of information?” Do not post for the sake of posting. Post because it’s useful.
3. Don’t be a billboard for your Company
Do not just re-post corporate’s content or your upline’s content. I occasionally do this and it never gets as good of engagement. Occasionally is okay but don’t make a habit. People want to hear from ME not corporate or someone they don’t know.
4. Make your own content
Take your own pictures as you use your product during the day. It doesn’t have to be perfect but also make sure it’s at least a little bit aesthetically pleasing. Picture > words. Less words, more personality, better picture, valuable & new information. Tip: You won’t run out of new content if you are always learning and doing personal development.
5. Personality Matters
Let people get to know YOU. People will get product from YOU – they have many representatives from your company to choose from – why should they choose you and not someone else?
6. 80/20 Rules
80% of your posts need to be strictly personality. No more than 20% should be any type of sale.
Bottomline: people want to hear YOUR voice.
I hope you found these tips helpful! I use these tips in my own network marketing essential oil business and have seen a lot of great success!