Personal Development Books for Network Marketing
Personal development is incredibly important. You’ve probably heard about how important it is to make time to do at least 15-30 minutes of personal development everyday. So what to read first? What’s good? What personal development books for network marketing will skyrocket your business?
I read (or actually listen) a few books every month and I get asked all the time what books I’ve read and which ones I recommend. Note that this list is made for Network Marketers and Entrepreneurs but many of these books are great for ANYONE wanting to improve themselves.
How Can I Make Time to Read?
You might already be overwhelmed and the thought of adding reading to your to-do list seems impossible. Good news, it’s not impossible. If anything, it’s fun and it might become some of your favorite times of the day!
Starting a new habit is not easy and neither is quitting an old habit. Your old habit is probably listening to music in the car or while you workout. You might have a habit of watching TV in the morning with your coffee or in the evenings. Or you might do your makeup in silence. None of those are “bad” habits. But you can turn them into valuable personal development time! Make the CHOICE to listen to a good book, podcast, or periscope from a leader.
I use Audible to listen to my books. It’s, I think, $7 a month and you get 1 book credit a month. Most of the books I read are worth at least $7 so it’s a deal to get a subscription. I turn on my app and listen to books all the time.
- Listen to books in the car during your commute (even if that’s just 5 min at a time)
- Listen while you get around in the morning
- Listen while you do dishes
- Listen while you are working out
- Watch 20 minutes less of TV and devote 20 minutes to reading instead
- Wake up 20 minutes earlier and devote that time to personal development
Doing personal development is SIMPLE. It’s easy to do – the problem: it’s also easy NOT to do. You have to make a conscience decision to make a change.
Top Personal Development Books for Entrepreneurs
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
Need a good first book to start with? This one right here is perfect for you. Jeff Olson’s Slight Edge concept is simple but so profound. Do you need a little kick in the butt to do the small tasks everyday? Jeff can help you out.
The Four Year Career by Richard Bliss
This book is a super fast read. On Audible it’s only 1 hr 52 minutes. If you cannot finish this book, maybe you should reconsider running your own home business. Harsh? Maybe…but seriously, this book is an easy read/listen. It’ll help you to really understand the power of residual income.
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
Stop living small. Take the Big Leap and get rid of the mental boundaries you’ve set for yourself. Those boundaries are holding you back!!!
Start with Why by Simon Sinek
This one is great. People don’t by product. They buy your WHY and YOU.
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
This book doesn’t tell you how to make sales, use social media marketing, or anything like that. But Robert does give you a LOT of valuable information about how to invest the paycheck you earn. Learn about how the poor and middle class think and how the rich think instead!
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
This book by Dale Carnegie has revolutionized my business (and life) forever. I now have customers flocking TO me. It’s the number one way to approach your cold market. You’ll never see another person without wanting to talk to them and Dale Carnegie shows you how. You’ll be the most-liked person in the room.
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell
John Maxwell is a classic when it comes to leadership – he has many books and I can almost guaranteed that you’ve heard his name before. This book by John is one of the best-selling leadership books of all time.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Here’s another book about thinking more like the rich – if we think like the wealthy, then maybe we’ll start acting like the wealthy. I’ll be honest, this book is my least favorite on this list. But this books is also highly recommended by many people smarter than me so I thought it was important that it made this list.
Go Pro by Eric Worre
Eric Worre lays down 7 basic steps to becoming a network marketing professional. Steps include things like finding prospects, inviting them, presenting, and more.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
This book is great for anyone looking to improve their life. You don’t have to be an owner of a business to get something out of this book.
The Art of Public Speaking: Lessons from the Greatest Speeches in History
Great series to listen to if your home-based business requires you to stand up and talk to people or if you team needs you to speak like a true leader.
Your Virtual Upline Podcast
Here you have a completely free resources available to you! Download 52 (a year’s worth!!) of podcasts from a network marketing professional. Bob has great advice in every single podcast – every minute is worth it’s time in gold.
Go, Read, & Ignite your Inner Entrepreneur!
I hope that you enjoy these Personal Development books for Network Marketing! They are great for anyone starting out with a home-based business. Let me know what you think.
What books have revolutionized your business? I’m always on the look-out for another good inspiring book to read.