New Products!!!
Orange Cream Trimshake made with Wild Orange essential oil
YOU GUYS! Oh my goodness, I am so excited to try this new product. Can you imagine how yummy this will be? I can picture myself drinking the new Orange Cream Trimshake with coconut milk in the spring and summer. Or can you imagine making delightfully delicious Orange Cream Trimshake Popsicles for the kids? Maybe I should try this in an ice cream recipe! Oh the ideas and possibilities are endless!
Just like the chocolate, vanilla, and V shakes, the Orange Cream is a great shake to mix with water, milk, coconut milk, almond milk, and or even try adding it to a shake with fruits and vegetables!
Available HERE January 2017 for a Limited Time
Calories: 70 per serving
Wholesale: $39.50
Retail: $52.67
Slim & Sassy Metabolic Gum
No Way! Who even thought of this? This is genius! I’m definitely adding this to my next LRP order!
Each piece of the Slim & Sassy Metabolic Gum has 1 drop of doTERRA’s Slim & Sassy essential oil blend. The gum is long-lasting and SUGAR-FREE! It contains Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and and Cinnamon essential oils.
Chew on a piece of Metabolic gum the next time you feel snacky!
Available HERE January 2017
Wholesale: $8.50
Retail: $11.33
Who else is excited for these products?
CHECK out my Post on Natural Weight Management!
Would you like to try some of these Essential Oils? Check out my SHOP page – I can get you the highest quality essential oils for you at a 25% off wholesale price.