Pictured: Toddler Tula
If you follow my blog at all you know that I’m an accidentally crunchy mom. One of the things that we do and absolutely love is baby wearing! There are so many pros to babywearing >> check out my post on Reasons to Babywear. We wore our daughter from a very young age all the way through toddlerhood and we’ve worn our son since the day he was born. I’ve tried a large variety of carriers so I thought I’d share some of the ones I’ve tried with you.
This has become sort of part of my normal life. It’s not unusual for a new mom or pregnant mama to come over to my house to try out all the baby carriers before she invests in one. Maybe I should start on online business for this???!
It’s also not uncommon for me or my husband to be stopped in a shop or on the street while we are baby wearing. People ask us why we do it, if we like it, and what brands we recommend. It’s such a funny phenomenon. We’ve met a large amount of strangers this way. So many, in fact, we actually made business cards specifically for this purpose >> maybe YOU are one of those people that ended up at this post because you ran into me at TJ Maxx and asked for my recommendation when it came to baby carriers and I handed you a business card! If so, WELCOME!
Best Baby Carriers Compared
1. Moby
We really like to use a soft carrier or a wrap in the first few months. Little babies need a lot more support. A soft carrier wraps the babies up tight and gives them the head support they need depending on the wrap you do.
Pros: The Moby was my first baby carrier. It’s a great wrap. It’s affordable and very versatile and can actually be used all the way through toddlerhood. We used this one for my daughter up until she could sit up on her own. At that point we moved on to a more structured carrier. Good head support. Few different options of colors. There’s a learning curve on how to tie the moby – but it’s pretty easy after watching a few YouTube videos. Easy to breastfeed in.
Cons: It’s a stretchy fabric. I found this to be a negative because I have chunky babies. I tend to need to retie the wrap every half hour – it can get annoying. It’s a little hot in the summer too. It’s a LOT of fabric. It’s hard not to drag some of the fabric in the parking lot while you are trying to tie your wrap.
You can the MOBY wrap on Amazon.
2. K’Tan
After dealing with the long fabrics of the Moby, I decided to try the K’Tan for my second child. It’s another soft carrier – perfect for those first months.
Pros: This one is sort of pre-tied. It’s a little easier to use than the Moby. It’s the same basic wrap but it’s already set up for easy use. No dragging fabric ends in puddles on a raining day. This is really Handy. This wrap is all very affordable and it comes in a few different colors. Easy to breastfeed in.
Cons: This wrap is also that stretchy fabric. I find myself needing to rewrap it every 30 minutes or so because it stretches out. It’s nice that it’s prewrapped….but that also means that it’s not quite as versatile.
You can find the K’Tan Here.
3. Mei Tai
This is one that I only tried a few times. I was very pleasantly surprised! It’s almost a cross between a soft and a structured carrier!
Pros: Very easy to use. Very affordable. Variety of styles are available. Overall, it’s pretty nice! Not as versatile as the K’Tan or the Moby, but definitely better than nothing! I was very satisfied the few times I used mine!
Cons: Not for little little babies unless you have some sort of support under their bottoms to keep them in that ergonomic positioning. I had to roll up some towels when my little used this carrier. And you can’t use it easily into toddlerhood.
You can find a Mei Tai Here.
4. Ergo
Now we are getting into the structured carriers. We use get the most life out of these carriers. We use a structured carrier once our babies can sit up on their own and we use them through toddlerhood. Our daughter is almost three and we still wear her in a structured carrier.
The Ergo was our first structured carrier and it’s really great. We still use this one for carrying our son, actually!
Pros: It’s easy on the back. The majority of the weight is carried on your hips. We can wear the kids all day long and feel just fine. There’s a pocket on the back so store your keys, phone, and wallet. Technically you can use this carrier from day one – you just need to have the infant insert. It has a hood in case it’s raining or your little one needs a nap. Super easy to use. I have no problem putting my kids on my back – just practice a little bit at home to get comfortable with it!
Cons: You need an insert to use it with little babies. Doesn’t come in a whole lot of patterns. A higher price point than the soft carriers.
You can get the Ergo Here.
5. Tula
This one is very similar to the Ergo. The hood system is a little bit different but they both work well.
Pros: All the same as the Ergo functionally. Hood for rain or nap time. Easy to use. LOTS of patterns to choose from! SO many patterns! Easy to nurse in.
Cons: No pocket like the Ergo. Higher price point than the soft carriers and a little more than the ergo (the price of a cute carrier). Need an insert of some sort from small babies.
Check all the patterns. Tulas are beautiful and so fun. Get them Here.
6. Toddler Tula
All the same Pros and Cons and the regular Tula.
The Toddler Tula is a larger version of the standard Tula. It’s perfect for your toddler. My almost three year old fits perfectly in it. So don’t be sad when your baby starts to out grow their Standard Tula or Ergo, just move them up to a Toddler size!
Check out all the Toddler Tula patterns Here!
I really hope that you found this helpful!
What best baby carriers do you love?