Reasons I love being a Military spouse:
1. My husband loves his job.
He LOVES his job. There are crappy days – but every career has crappy days. He has a lot more amazing days than bad.
2. We get to see the world!
I have lived in 4 states the last 3 years. It’s a lot and tiring, of course, but it’s so amazing. I joke and say that each duty station is just a long-term vacation. We get three years to see all the local hot spots – right now, DC, NYC, Baltimore, DE beaches, the whole NE, etc.
3. It Provides
My husband’s job provides an amazing life for me and my kids. I never worry about whether my kids are fed, have clothes, or have a roof over their heads.
4. He’s gone sometimes
Didn’t expect that one, did you? Yea I probably wouldn’t have even written that just a few months ago. But I think I appreciate him all the more when he’s gone. I also love that he gets to be a part of the bigger picture. Our life is about so much more than just me and my family. Our life is about serving others – and Alan’s job is all about serving others. How can I complain about Alan being a servant? And wouldn’t it be selfish of me to think that my comfort is more important than the help he provides others and the calling that God has on his life?
5. The community
Only a military spouse can really understand the family you have in the military. My fellow spouses are so fantastic. They will do anything to help you, support you, and love on you. So many of you reading this far on the list are military spouses – thank you for being my friend. I don’t just consider you my friends, you are my sisters. I love you guys!

6. It keeps my priorities straight.
God is #1. Alan is not. (sorry, Alan) Sometimes we get mixed up a little bit and put our spouses before our relationship with God. This Air Force life keeps me straight. I am enamored with my husband – to the point that if he’s always there to catch me, I might start worshiping him instead of my Creator. I think God knew that when he directed us to the Air Force.
Life isn’t easy. Adulting isn’t easy. But it’s not supposed to be. If it were easy, we would never need to lean on God. We would never need to get on our knees and ask for help.
Read a little bit about how my job with doTERRA and being a Military Wife work so well together HERE from doTERRA’s Leadership Magazine. My testimony is second on the list.